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How to Think Like a Lawyer–and Why: A Common-Sense Guide to Everyday Dilemmas (eBook)

ISBN13: 9780063067578
Published: April 2022
Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers Inc
Country of Publication: USA
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £10.74
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A law professor and author teaches non-attorneys how to think like a lawyer to gain advantage in their lives-whether buying a house, negotiating a salary, or choosing the right healthcare.

Lawyers aren't like other people. They often argue points that are best left alone or look for mistakes in menus "just because." While their scrupulous attention to detail may be annoying, it can also be a valuable skill.

Do you need to make health care decisions for an aging parent but are unsure where to start? Are you at crossroads in your career and don't know how to move forward? Have you ever been on a jury trying to understand confusing legal instructions? How to Think Like a Lawyer has the answers to help you cut through the confusion and gain an advantage in your everyday life. Kim Wehle identifies the details you need to pay attention to, the questions you should ask, the responses you should anticipate, and the pitfalls you can avoid.

Topics include:

  • Selling and buying a home
  • Understanding employment terms
  • Creating a will and health care proxy
  • Navigating health concerns
  • Applying for financial aid
  • Negotiating a divorce

Wehle shows you how to break complex issues down into digestible, easier-to-understand pieces that will enable you to make better decisions in all areas of your life.