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International Law's Objects

Edited by:  Jessie Hohmann, Daniel Joyce

ISBN13: 9780198798200
Published: December 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: £137.50
Paperback edition , ISBN13 9780198798217

Despatched in 2 to 4 days.

International law's rich existence in the world can be illuminated by its objects. International law is often developed, conveyed and authorized through its objects and/or their representation. From the symbolic (the regalia of the head of state and the symbols of sovereignty), to the mundane (a can of dolphin-safe tuna certified as complying with international trade standards), international legal authority can be found in the objects around us. Similarly, the practice of international law often relies on material objects or their image, both as evidence (satellite images, bones of the victims of mass atrocities) and to found authority (for instance, maps and charts).

This volume considers these questions; firstly what might the study of international law through objects reveal? What might objects, rather than texts, tell us about sources, recognition of states, construction of territory, law of the sea, or international human rights law? Secondly, what might this scholarly undertaking reveal about the objects - as aims or projects - of international law? How do objects reveal, or perhaps mask, these aims, and what does this tell us about the reasons some (physical or material) objects are foregrounded, and others hidden or ignored. Thirdly what objects, icons and symbols preoccupy the profession and academy? The personal selection of these objects by leading and emerging scholars worldwide, will illuminate the contemporary and historical fascinations of international lawyers.

As a result, the volume will be an important artefact (itself an object) in its own right, capturing the mood of international law in a given moment and providing opportunity for reflection on these preoccupations. By considering international law in the context of its material culture the authors offer a new theoretical perspective on the subject.

Public International Law
Thinking International Law through Objects
Daniel Joyce - International Laws Cabinet of Curiosities
Jessie Hohmann - Objects and the Life of International Law
Fleur Johns - Things we Make and Do with International Law
Wouter Werner - Saying and Showing
Isobel Roele - The Object of Study
Objects of International Law
African Court of Human and Peoples' Rights - Nicole De Silva
AIDS Virus - Therese Murphy
Axum Stele - Lucas Lixinski
Barcelona Traction Share - Filippo Fontanelli and Guiseppe Bianco
Boots (on the Ground) - Kimberley Trapp
Border Check Point, the Moldovan Republic of Transnistria - Francois Finck
Breton Road Signs - Jacqueline Mowbray
Chicotte - Anne-Charlotte Martineau
Data: the Given - Stephen Humphreys
Dechiqueteuse (Papershredder) - Immi Tallgren
Drone - Ioannis Kalpouzos
Gavel - James Parker
Good Urban Citizen - Helmut Aust
Glyphosate - Allesandra Arcuri
USAID Rice, Haiti - Charlie Peevers
Insulae Moluccae: A Dutch East India Company Map - Kate Miles
Jolly Roger - Ziv Bohrer
Mosul Four and Iran Six - Alex Mills
One Tonne of Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (1tCO2e) - Julia Dehm
Opium - Jessie Hohmann
Ordnance Survey Grid References - Gerry Simpson
Paintings of International Laws Textbooks - Jean DAspremont and Eric De Brabandere
Passport - Sarah Dehm
Peace Sign, Colombian Neutralised Zone - Thomas McManus
Polymetallic Nodules from the Ocean Floor - Surabhi Ranganathan
Postcard from the ICTY - Sophie Rigney
Purse Seine Net - Andrew Lang
Refugee Chains - Alison Kesby
Railway Clocks - Geoff Gordon
Russian Flag at the North Pole - Rosemary Rayfuse
Screen - Christine Schwobel-Patel and Wouter Werner
Ships Ballast - Lolita Buckner-Inniss
Somali Pirate Skiff - Doug Guilfoyle
Sovereign Mark of the Roi Né-Doucoula, King of Boma - Tanja Aalberts
Stained Glass Windows, Peace Palace, the Hague - Daniel Litwin
Sugar - Michael Fakhri
Treaty Canoe - Ruth Buchanan and Jeff Hewitt
Trees - Leslie-Anne Duvic-Paoli
Western Sahara Boundary Marker - Jeffrey Smith
Whale - Malgosia Fitzmaurice