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Five Things to Know About the Australian Constitution

ISBN13: 9780521603706
ISBN: 0521603706
Published: November 2004
Publisher: Cambridge University Press
Country of Publication: Australia
Format: Paperback
Price: £29.99

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In this excellent new book, Helen Irving delves into the mystery that is the Australian constitution by discussing the major national debates of recent years. Many people want to understand and take part in the debate about constitutional issues but they face a significant hurdle: the constitution is almost unreadable. It does not mean what it says, and nor does it say what it means.

There are many myths in circulation about what the constitution says and as many assumptions about what it does. Helen Irving, one of this country’s foremost constitutional experts, puts various constitutional confusions to rest, and invites a general audience into an understanding of the issues that were once reserved for experts.

Other Jurisdictions , Australia
1. The Constitution does not mean what it says
2. The Constitution does not say what it means
3. The Constitution says some things without actually saying them
4. The Constitution fails to say things that might be important
5. The Constitution says things that contradict each other
Conclusion: The Constitution could say what it means and mean what it says (if we wanted it to)
Appendix: The Constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia.