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Governing Global Biodiversity (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781351932530
ISBN: 0754617440
Published: November 2003
Publisher: Routledge
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: £31.66
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Each chapter in this work tackles an enduring issue of importance, not only to the Convention on Biological Diversity, but to international environmental politics. This study enhances our understanding of the process of international co-operation in solving common problems that affect states and societies unequally. The intended audience includes decision-makers, members of international organizations, scholars of political and environmental science.

Introduction - the emergence of biodiversity governance, Philippe G. Le Prestre; The story of the biodiversity convention - from negotiation to implementation, Desiree M. McGraw; The Cartagena protocol on biosafety, Francois Pythoud and Urs P. Thomas; Studying the effectiveness of the CBD, Philippe G. Le Prestre; The operation of the CBD convention governance system, Philippe G. Le Prestre; The clearing-house mechanism - an effective tool for implementing the convention on biological diversity?, Genevieve Reed; The emergence and implementation of the advance informed agreement procedure, Amanda Wolf; The fair and equitable sharing of benefits from the exploitation of genetic resources - a difficult transition from principles to reality, Francois Blais; The role of indigenous peoples in conservation actions - a case study of cultural differences and conversation priorities, Catherine Potvin, Jean-Pierre Reveret, Genevieve Patenaude and Jane Hutton; The CBD, the WTO and FAO - the emergence of phytogenic governance, Urs P. Thomas; The science and policy of global biodiversity protection, Louis Guay; Economics and biodiversity management, Jean-Pierre Reveret and Alain Webster; Development of Canadian policy on and the protection of marine diversity, Paule Halley; Devoted friends - the implementation of the convention on biological diversity in Madagascar, Mark Hufty and Frank Muttenzer; Conclusion - the long road to a new order, Philippe G. Le Prest.