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Funding Religious Heritage (eBook)

Edited by: Anne Fornerod

ISBN13: 9781317131311
Published: February 2015
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This collection brings together a group of highly respected law and religion scholars to explore the funding of religious heritage in the context of state support for religions. The importance of this state support is that on the one hand it illustrates the potential tensions between secular and religious values, whilst on the other it constitutes a relevant tool for investigating the question of the legitimacy of such financial support. The funding logically varies according to the national system of state-religion relationships and this is reflected in the range of countries studied, including: Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, France, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Turkey, and the United Kingdom. The book provides clarity in the assignment of funds to religious heritage, as well as seeking to define the limit of what relates to the exercise of worship and what belongs to cultural policy. It is clear that the main challenge for the future lies not only in managing the dual purpose of religious monuments, but also in re-using these buildings which have lost their original purpose. This collection will appeal to those interested in cultural heritage management, as well as law and religion scholars.

eBooks, Law and Society
Introduction, Anne Fornerod.

Part I Financing Religious Heritage in France: Theory and Practice: Funding religious cultural heritage: administrative texts and practices, Francoise Jeanmougin
Funding religious heritage in France, Pierre-Henri Prelot
Funding religious heritage: the role of the French Fondation du Patrimoine, Hans Guggenbuhl
Funding religious heritage in local law in Alsace-Moselle, Francis Messner.

Part II Funding Religious Heritage in Dominant Church Systems: Living hand-to-mouth: regulating and funding religious heritage in the United Kingdom, Frank Cranmer
From previous intertwinement to a future split in governance structures in cultural and religious use of buildings: on Danish funding of religious heritage, Lisbet Christoffersen.

Part III Funding Religious Heritage in Convenantal and Recognized Church Systems: Funding religious heritage in Belgium, Stephanie Wattier
Funding religious heritage in Estonia: from sacred buildings to sacred groves, Ringo Ringvee
Funding religious heritage: the Italian case, Alessandro Ferrari
The Spanish system of funding religious heritage, Carmen Garcimartin.

Part IV Laicites, Separation between Church and State and Funding Religious Heritage: A Dutch treat: state funding for the maintenance and restoration of built religious heritage in the Netherlands, Adriaan Overbeeke
Managing and enhancing the religious heritage of Quebec, Solange Lefebvre
Historical trajectories, institutional particularities: the funding regime for religious heritage in Turkey, Tugba Tanyeri-Erdemir. Conclusion, Anne Fornerod
