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Deploying the European Green Deal: Protecting the Environment Beyond the EU Borders (eBook)

ISBN13: 9781003857471
Published: February 2024
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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Drawing on a range of expert contributions, this book explores how the European Green Deal is being deployed in practice and observes how the EU tries to promote the protection of the environment in third countries.

The book begins by assessing the state-of-the art in terms of the key conceptual issues and analyses sectoral initiatives that are particularly relevant for the deployment of the European Green Deal external dimensions. These include the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, the EU’s regulatory action in the control of maritime emissions, the 2030 Biodiversity Strategy, the Deforestation Initiative, the Zero Pollution Initiative, the From Farm to Fork Initiative, and the Climate Neutrality and Clean Energy Initiative in the context of the Energy Charter Treaty. Next, the authors deal with horizontal aspects of the European Green Deal that also have external dimensions, such as the Green Deal Diplomacy, the Green Public Procurement, funding measures, initiatives related to corporate sustainability and due diligence, and the implementation and enforcement of EU environmental law. The volume concludes with a cross-cutting analysis, focusing on how the EU can strengthen the impact of its normative power on international environmental governance, while also noting its limitations.

Deploying the European Green Deal will be of great interest to students and scholars of international and EU environmental law and environmental policy and governance.

Environmental Law, eBooks
1. Introductory remarks and conceptual framework
Xavier Fernández-Pons and Mar Campins Eritja
2. Conditioning access to the European Union market on carbon footprint: the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism
Xavier Fernandez-Pons
3. EU regulatory action on maritime emissions: Unilaterally protecting the environment beyond IMO’s global strategy
Marta Abegón Novella
4. The 2030 Biodiversity Strategy: The EU’s international commitment and responsibility to reverse the biodiversity loss
Susana Borràs-Pentinat
5. Understanding the deforestation initiative for European trade in products from the Brazilian Amazon
Márcia Rodrigues Bertoldi
6. Zero Chemical Pollution: A real new impetus for change?
Mar Campins Eritja
7. Farm to Fork: Strengths and Weaknesses of a European Strategy for a Global Transition towards Fair, Healthy and Sustainable Food Systems
Xavier Pons Rafols
8. The European Green Deal and the Energy Charter Treaty: Chronicle of a Breakup Foretold?
Gastón Medici Colombo
9. From Climate diplomacy to Green Deal diplomacy
Teresa Fajardo del Castillo
10. The European Green Deal and Public Procurement Law: Its Extraterritorial Reach beyond the EU’s Borders
Ezgi Uysal and Willem A. Janssen
11. The European Green Deal Investment Plan. The External Impact of Mobilizing Climate Finance with an Experimentalist Design
Gonzalo Larrea
12. Business, Human Rights and the Environment: From Corporate Social Responsibility to Mandatory Human Rights and Environmental Due Diligence
Alfonso González Bondia
13. Implementation and enforcement of environmental legislation as a cornerstone of the European Green Deal
Alexandre Peñalver i Cabré
14. Joint analysis of cross cutting issues and final considerations
Xavier Fernández-Pons, Teresa Fajardo del Castillo, Mar Campins Eritja
