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The Trial in History: Volume 2. Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century

Edited by: R.A. Melikan

ISBN13: 9780719064869
ISBN: 0719064864
Published: March 2005
Publisher: Manchester University Press
Country of Publication: UK
Format: Hardback
Price: Out of print

How does the trial function? What are the tools, in terms of legal principle, scientific knowledge, social norms and political practice, which underpin this most important decision-making process? Focusing both on English criminal, military and parliamentary trials, and upon national and international trials for war crimes, this book illuminates the diverse forces that have shaped trials during the modern era.

The book's dual emphasis - on modern English legal history and modern war crimes trials - enables it to cross several disciplines and appeal to a much more diverse readership than is usual for legal history volumes. The contributors approach their subject from a variety of perspectives - legal history, social history, political history, sociology and international law.

Legal History, Trials
1. Evidence law and the evidentiary objection: a view from the British Trials collection - T. P. Gallanis
2. Sense and sensibility: fateful splitting in the Victorian insanity trial - Joel Peter Eigen
3. Trials of character: the use of character evidence in Victorian sodomy trials - Harry Cocks
4. Pains and penalties procedure: how the House of Lords 'tried' Queen Caroline - R. A. Melikan
5. The invention of trials in camera in security cases - A. W. Brian Simpson
6. War crimes trials before international tribunals: legality and legitimacy - Dominic McGoldrick
7. An embarrassing necessity: the Tokyo trial of Japanese leaders, 1946-8 - Peter Lowe
8. The trial of Maurice Papon for crimes against humanity and the concept of bureaucratic crime - Robert Boyce
9. The trial of Slobodan Milosevic: a twenty-first century trial? - Dominic McGoldrick