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Reimagining Probation Practice: Re-forming Rehabilitation in an Age of Penal Excess (eBook)

Edited by: Lol Burke, Nicola Carr, Emma Cluley, Steve Collett, Fergus McNeill

ISBN13: 9781000647914
Published: October 2022
Publisher: Routledge
Country of Publication: UK
Format: eBook (ePub)
Price: Out of print
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This book provides a comprehensive and positive reimagining of probation practice in England and Wales across all the key settings in which work with people subject to supervision takes place. Bringing together chapters co-authored by academics and practitioners, it offers an overall conceptualisation of the rehabilitative endeavour within the realities of a probation service recently unified after the acknowledged failure of the Transforming Rehabilitation reforms.

Reimagining Probation Practice covers the main themes and job functions of probation practice, from court work to individual and group interventions, to resettlement and public protection, to partnerships, to education and training. Each chapter includes a brief critical history of the area of practice, the current policy context, the applicability of different forms of rehabilitation (personal, legal/judicial, social and moral) to this area of practice, an overview of current good practice, and areas in need of development. The book argues that the principles of parsimony, proportionality and productiveness should be applied to the criminal justice system in its work to rehabilitate individuals.

This book is essential reading for practitioners and all those engaged in probation training, as well as policy makers, leaders, managers and those interested in social and criminal justice.

Criminology, eBooks
1. Introduction: Reforming, reimagining and moving forward – for what purpose?
Lol Burke, Nicola Carr, Emma Cluley, Steve Collett and Fergus McNeill
2. Court work and assessment: Laying the foundations for effective probation practice
Gwen Robinson, Peter Halsall and Mark Nixon
3. Individual Interventions: Re-imagining the one-to-one interaction at the heart of probation practice
Rachel Reed and Jane Dominey
4. Group Interventions: Reimagining groupwork by embedding personal, judicial, moral, and social rehabilitation into practice
Nicole Renehan and Olivia Henry
5. Community Service and Rehabilitation: Untapped potential
Nicola Carr and Linda Neimantas
6. Resettlement: A people first approach to community (re)integration
Matt Cracknell and Charlotte Flinterman
7. Public Protection: Examining the impact of strengthened public protection policy on probation practice
Stephanie Kewley and Sharon Brereton
8. Reimagining Partnerships: A forensic democratic therapeutic community model
Emma Cluley and Shadd Maruna
9. Approved Premises: Futures of control in the community
Peter Marston and Carla Reeves
10. Education and training: Delivering the four forms of rehabilitation: training and developing probation practitioners
Anne Burrell and Madeline Petrillo
11. Inspection Work: Reimagining probation practice indirectly: how the work of the Inspectorate can support a reimagined rehabilitation
Simi Badachha, Robin Moore and Jake Phillips
12. From electronic monitoring to artificial intelligence: Technopopulism and the future of probation services
Mike Nellis and David A. Raho
13. Conclusion: Reforming and reimagining - beyond the realities of contemporary probation practice
Lol Burke, Nicola Carr, Emma Cluley, Steve Collett and Fergus McNeill